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  Welcome to Calvary Chapel Casper

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Casper! It is our desire that you find a place to get plugged in and grow in God’s will for your life within a fellowship of believers. There are many churches in the area that are great places to grow and thrive. We would like to share a little about our fellowship as you consider where God may have you grow. We place a strong emphasis on knowing the entire counsel of God. During weekly service times Pastor Bob takes the fellowship chapter by chapter and by verse. Once a book is been taught, a new book is selected to cover from beginning to end. During Wednesday evening services we study verse by verse from Genesis to Revelation until the entire Bible is covered.

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our site. There's much more to come!  



Prayer Time at 5:30 pm on Tuesdays.   We have lots to pray for.

Women's Bible Study Tuesday 10:00 AM.  Study of the book of Revelation.


March 22, 2025 Youth Night 5:30 pm.  See Pastor Bob or Nathan for more details.  Bible Study, Pizza, and movie night.  


April 18th 6:30 pm Passover Sedar in the fellowship hall.  See Pastor Bob for more details.  We will need help with setup and cleanup.  Sign-up sheet in the foyer.  


April 20th 9:30 AM Resurrection Sunday Service.  Brunch to follow.  See Pastor Bob if you are able to help.  Sign-up sheet in the foyer.  

2025 Men's Conference June 20-22, 2025 at Calvary Chapel Casper.  Pastor Ray Jaramillo and Shawn Gibson of Calvary Chapel Rio Grande Valley will be this year's speakers.  To sign up call Pastor Bob at 307-277-9528, or email me at  Cost will be $75.  Scholarships are available.  

If you do not want to attend service in person, we do have services streamed on Zoom still.  The information to get on Zoom is below.  So, whether you can be here in person, or you would rather worship on Zoom we have both options for you.  







Current Bible Studies:

Sunday: Romans 14

Wednesday: Ezekiel 14

Study Tools: Blue Letter Bible

ZOOM Attendance:  

If you choose to watch the service on Zoom here are the directions for it. Open your zoom app on your phone or your computer. Click on the join a meeting button and type in the pass code which is @8754965511. Do not use the @ sign when logging on. I had to use the @ sign due to the number disappearing so no one can see it. Just type in the numbers not the @ sign. If you have questions on that let me know. If you do not have a smart phone or such device and just want to call in on your phone to join us you can dial @4157629988 then when asked to enter the pass code enter @8754965511 and then you will be able to hear the service audio only. If you have issues and need help you can call @3072779528 for assistance.



Psalm 97:6

The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory.

The Sun became darkness and then reemerged in the light. Just like the Son

The Light of the World became sin for us and took our darkness, it seemed to be

dark for the moment but He reemerged as the Light. He is the Light of the World!!

Even in the Eclipse we see the gospel message.

Enjoy these pictures of God's recent events in the heavens.  

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